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January 26 – May 19, 2019

I am honored to have “Mosaic Sketchbook: Shadowed Lily” juried into the 2019 Mosaic Arts International, held this year at The Parthenon Museum in Nashville, TN!

The 18th Annual Mosaic Arts International Exhibition Series, sponsored by the Society of American Mosaic Artists (SAMA), invigorates a new perspective of mosaic art in numerous contexts and celebrates estab­lished as well as emerging artists working in the medium today. The selected works reflect the multiplicity of the mosaic medium and its endless applications. The series is comprised of separate juried exhibits featuring the best in contemporary fine art, architectural, community, & site-specific mosaics from SAMA’s diverse international membership. 

The Mosaic Arts International: Fine Art Mosaic

The Parthenon Museum

2550 West End Ave.

Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 862-8431

Tuesday — Saturday: 9:00am — 4:30pm

Sunday: 12:30pm — 4:30pm

Closed Monday

The Mosaic Arts International: Fine Art segment was juried by a distinguished panel: Kim Emerson, Award Winning Public Artist and Founder of the San Diego Mosaic School, San Diego, California, USA; Toyoharu Kii, Internationally recognized Mosaic Artist and Educator, Tokyo, Japan; and Joseph S. Mella, Director of Vanderbilt University Fine Art Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.  

The exhibition features the works of 39 artists from the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil and Greece.

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